Maddie and the Big Break

Maddie learns about Humility.....

          "Ok, class, the sign-up sheet is on the door.  Remember, the junior high only needs one elementary student in their annual play this year to play the spoiled younger brother or sister.  Cut-off date is Friday by four.  Tryouts are Saturday morning at eight in the junior high gym.  So be sure to sign up if you're interested.  Good luck to all of you who choose to do so.  Now for your homework assignment..."
       "Ugggh!", the whole class groaned.  The class got their assignment and was dismissed.  As they all raced toward the door, Maddie stopped at the sign-up sheet.  She wanted to be the first one on the list.  She was going to be an actress one day, you know.  This could be her big break!
      A year had passed since Maddie was in Miss Fitz's class and had made friends with Annie, Suzie, Hilary, Ginny and Tommy.  It had been a year since the last junior high play that she only got to listen to but didn't get to see.  But this year would be different.  She would be in the play.  She couldn't wait to get home and tell Mommy!
       "That's very exciting, Maddie", Mommy exclaimed.  "But you mustn't get your hopes up too high.  There will be many children trying out and there is only one part available.  Everyone not chosen will be very disappointed."
       "Yeah, everyone but me", Maddie snickered.  It never entered her mind that she could not be chosen.  She was the actress-to-be.  She would get the part - no question.  I better stock up on tissues, Mommy thought, just in case.
       Friday, as Maddie was leaving class, she glanced at the door.  There were ten kids signed up for tryouts.  Doesn't matter, Maddie thought.  There could be fifty.  None of them are real actors like I am.  She lifted her chin just a bit and walked confidently out the door.
       Saturday morning at eight, Maddie found herself in the junior high gym along with nine other nervous but excited children.  One by one they were called onto the stage to say one line that would convince the judge that they were a spoiled younger brother or sister.  Some of them whined, some pouted, others pretended to cry or ran around as they delivered their line.  Amateurs, Maddie thought.  When it was her turn, she said her line with that superior attitude that older kids hate to hear from younger kids.  That should do it, she thought.
       After tryouts were finished, snacks were provided in the cafeteria while the judges made their decision.  Soon they were all called back into the gym - the part had been cast.  Nine children waited anxiously, holding their breaths.  Not Maddie.  She stood with her arms crossed smugly waiting to hear her name called.
       "Thank you all for coming out today", the judge began.  "Everyone did a great job..."  Get on with it, already, Maddie thought.  "...but we only have one part to fill."  So hurry up and call my name! Maddie's mind screamed.  "So would Maddie Miller..."
Uh-huh, I knew it!  Maddie started strutting toward the judge shooting the other kids an "I told you so" look. "...and Suzie Smith..."  Whaat!?  Maddie turned to look at her friend Suzie who had a surprised look on her face and was hurrying to join Maddie in front of the judge.  "...please come forward.  The rest of you are dismissed, and again, thanks for trying out.  We hope to see you all at the play."
       "Maddie, Suzie,..." The judge looked from one to the other as he spoke.  "You both did a beautiful job and it was a very difficult choice, but there is only one part."  Now both girls held their breath.  "So we'd like to award the part to Maddie Miller, with Suzie Smith as understudy."
       The girls hugged.  "Congratulations, Maddie!" Suzie said. 
       "Thanks", Maddie replied.  She didn't congratulate Suzie.  She got the part, didn't she?  She accidentally stepped on Suzie's toe in her excitement to get home and tell Mommy.  She never even noticed. 

       The next day in Sunday School, Maddie was bragging about being the star of the junior high school play.  Mr. Greene overheard and approached Maddie.  "Be careful, Maddie", he warned.  "The Bible says that pride goes before sudden destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall."  Maddie learned what haughty meant last year.  It meant stuck-up.  Mr. Greene was warning her that if she was stuck-up, she'd fall.  That wasn't going to happen.  Maddie was too good to fall.
       "I'll be careful, Mr. Greene", Maddie answered.
       "I hope so", sighed Mr. Greene.

       The next day in school, Ms. Abernathy told the class, "It looks like we have a couple of stars in our midst.  Class, give a round of applause to Maddie, who will have the bit part in the play, and Suzie who will be her understudy!"  The class clapped.  Suzie smiled, thrilled with the attention she was receiving.  Maddie put on her best actress smile for the class, but she was not happy.  Bit part, Ms. Abernathy had said!  She was going to be the star.  This was her big break!
       At recess, Annie and Suzie were waiting for Maddie at the monkey bars.  "Congratulations, you two!" Annie said.
       "Thanks", they answered together.
       "What's an understudy?" Annie asked.  Suzie started to answer but Maddie interrupted.
       "It's the person who fills in if the star can't perform for some reason."  Suzie shot Maddie an annoyed look.  Maddie put her nose in the air and walked away.
       "Boy, is she stuck- up", Annie noticed.
       "Yeah", Suzie agreed.  "She's the right one for the role alright: spoiled younger sister."  They laughed together, forgot about Maddie, and enjoyed the rest of recess.

       Two weeks had passed and it was time for the dress rehearsal.  During that time, Maddie played by herself at recess.  No one wanted to be around her.  That's ok.  They're just jealous, she thought.  She spent the time rehearsing the one line she would say in the play.

       Today, in the junior high gym, there was excitement in the air!  Everyone was in costume and they would run through the play as if they were performing for an audience.  Tomorrow, they would be!

       Maddie wore a cute baby doll dress, sneakers and frilly white ankle socks.  Her hair was in curly pigtails.  She looked like an adorable little girl.  But that was only on the outside.  She played a spoiled brat and played it well.  Inside her mind, she was the star.

        "Maddie", Mr. Reeves, the junior high teacher, called out.  "You'll need to move over about three steps to your left." 
       Then my face will be hidden by this prop, Maddie thought indignantly.  In defiance she took two steps to the right...and fell right off the stage.
       Mr. Reeves ran over to Maddie.  "I said left," he muttered.  "You were too close to the edge."  Maddie answered with a whimper.  She's in pain, Mr. Reeves realized.  Her leg was beginning to swell.  "Someone call Mrs. Miller", he instructed.  "Rehearsal is over.  We'll do fine tomorrow.  I'm taking Maddie to the hospital."

       "It's a small fracture", the doctor told a worried Mrs. Miller, who was nervously twisting one of the many tissues she'd bought.  "But she'll have to wear this cast for six weeks.  These crutches will help her get around."  To Maddie he said, "You've got to be more careful, young lady."

       Be careful!  That's what Mr. Greene had said.  He also said that a haughty spirit went before a fall.  It sure did!, Maddie thought.  My nose was so high in the air, I didn't see the edge of the stage until I fell off it.  Suddenly Maddie didn't feel like a star.  She felt like a jerk.  She hoped all her friends would forgive her.

       The next day in class Ms. Abernathy announced, "Today we'll be going into the auditorium to watch the junior high play in which our very own Suzie Smith will have a part."  The class clapped for Suzie.  "Maddie, we are very sorry about your accident", she continued.  "But there is always next year.  Now, class, come over and sign Maddie's cast before we leave for the play."

     No one moved.  Maddie used her crutches to support her as she shakily rose to stand in front of the class.  "I'm so sorry for the way I treated you all", she said quietly.  "I realize now that I'm no better than anyone else and if I have any talent it's because God gave it to me and not because I'm a great actress."
     "Thank you, Maddie.  That took a lot of courage", Ms. Abernathy said as Maddie hobbled back to her desk.  "Class?"  Everyone rushed over to sign Maddie's cast.
      "Guess you got your big break, after all", Annie joked, pointing to the cast.
      "Guess I did", Maddie answered, laughing with her.

       The class filed into the auditorium to watch the play.  Maddie had a great seat: front row, center, where her crutches wouldn't be in the way.  This year, I'll actually get to see the play, she thought.  And next year, I'll be in it...maybe.





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